Eukanuba 2012> Pam Campbell Dziuk handling Gr.CH Schroeder's BowTye Affair 

 Karen Terry and  her                        Karen and her LC bitch puppy
GrCH Ka-Lynn's Superman               that she took Winners Bitch
           Betsy showing 
        Ch.Black Tye Affair
 in the Toy Group at Topeka
ESPN was taping this show
for T.V. 
Eukanuba 2012> on the table Gr.CH Schroeder's Ace Aviator> winning a Select award of Merit
Julia Smith with her Pom                The Chihuahua booth
took a Award of Excellence             

                                       Show Ring

 Scout Juliette & Betsy                            Karen Terry #20
Finished with back to back                      Planning her attack
BOW over the males...

                            at multi-level shows
                            The famous Ruth                                    West/ Handler 
  My Daughter "Dawn" showing
Davishall "Jackie"
 Angelina showing "Luigi"                   Donna showing
from Heavenscent chihs                                        "Shazam"
Penny & Daryl from                                 My Daughter  showing 
                                                                         CH. Checkers
Betsy Owens "Handler"                                Me and "Jack"
Getting the perfect lead..                              he took BOW
Bronze GR CH Schroeder's Ace Aviator being shown by Ruth West at Purina Farms in the Toy Group.